Can I travel to Austria with a schengen visa

Can I travel to Austria with a Schengen visa? If a different country has issued you a Schengen visa and you would like to visit Austria, it will interest you to know that you can do so with the same visa. Schengen visas are recognized by most countries in Europe, which makes it an attractive travel document to have. Instead of applying for multiple visas, you can use the same visa to visit as many countries in the Schengen Zone as you wish.


Why You Can Travel To Multiple Countries With The Same Visa

You can travel to multiple countries with the same visa because of Schengen regulations. When the union was founded by the first signatories to the agreement, a new immigration policy was adopted. The policy of free entry and exit allows citizens of member states to freely move across their borders without needing visas. The agreement also instituted the visa policy, which allows holders of a valid visa issued by any member state to enter a different state in the region.

This policy has boosted trade and Europe's economy, attracting hundreds of millions over the last three decades. You can do so if you want to visit Austria with a Schengen visa issued by the Austrian embassy or the embassy of a different Schengen country.

How To Visit Austria With A Different Schengen Visa?

Holders of visas issued by Germany, France, and Spain. Slovenia, or any other country, can visit Austria only after observing the primary destination rule. According to Schengen travel regulations, visitors planning to visit multiple countries must visit the country that issued their visas before making it to a different country on their itinerary. Border agents dutifully enforce this regulation in all the respective Schengen countries.

Travelers who visit Austria first will encounter problems at the border crossing or airport, and in worse cases, they may be deported, which will be a waste of resources.

How Many Days Can I stay In The Schengen Area?

You can stay in the Schengen Area for up to 90 days. This 90-day period is not limited to just one country; rather, it is on a territorial basis. Assuming you want to visit three countries during your trip, you can only spend 90 days in all three, and the same is the case if you decide to visit only one country.  

Your visa starts counting the moment you land in any country in the Schengen zone, so whether you remain in that country or navigate to a different one doesn't matter.

What Are The Consequences Of Overstaying?

Visitors who overstay their visas face the following risks.

Deportation: The first risk is deportation. If you are caught in Austria or inside the Schengen zone with an expired visa, you will likely be deported immediately.

Fine & Deportation: In some cases, the visitor may be sanctioned by the authorities in the country where they are caught and fined before they are deported.

Ban: If they are serious violators of regulations, they may be banned from entering the Schengen zone for a few years. Worst offenders are banned permanently from entering the zone ever again.

To avoid these consequences, leaving the zone on or before the 90th day after your arrival is best. If you are at risk of losing track of time, you can set a reminder on your phone to warn you as the day approaches.

What Documents Do You Need To Apply For A Schengen Visa?

Schengen visa applications are largely similar regardless of the country you apply to, but some embassies may request additional documents apart from those below

  • Completed visa application form

  • Valid passport

  • Two recent passport photographs

  • Cover letter

  • Round trip itinerary and flight ticket reservation

  • Proof of funds

  • Invitation letter, if necessary

  • Proof of financial means

  • Travel health insurance

  • Visa fee receipt

  • Civil status certificate

  • Copies of previous visas, if any

These are the basic documents the embassy will ask you to provide. Remember that only valid documents will be accepted, so crosscheck your documents before submitting them for processing.

Types of Austrian Schengen Visa

Here are the types of Austrian Schengen visas you can apply for.

  • Transit visa

  • Tourist Visa

  • Visiting Visa

  • Business Visa

  • Medical Care Visa

  • Cultural Exchange Visa

  • Short Study Visa

  • Official Visa

Be sure of the visa you want before submitting your application to the embassy.

Where To Apply?

You can apply for this visa by submitting your application to the embassy of the first country you wish to visit or to a licensed visa application center that partners with the embassy. Can I travel to Austria with a Schengen visa? Yes, you can because Austria is a Schengen country.

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    This article was published by VisaHQ, a world leader in visa processing. Since 2003, VisaHQ has 20 offices in 6 countries and has helped countless tourist, business travellers, diplomats, workers, and students obtain their visa. With a 4.41 star rating on, VisaHQ is committed to innovation, service, security, and simplicity in the visa application process.