Visa to Cyprus from Lebanon

The visa to Cyprus from Lebanon is available for all Lebanese citizens interested in visiting Cyprus for business, tourism, study, or any other purpose. This page contains information about Cyprus visas for citizens of Lebanon. Keep reading to learn more about the visa requirements.

Traveling to Cyprus From Lebanon

Lebanese citizens are well-traveled and can be found in almost any nation, including Cyprus. Cyprus is one of the most popular islands in the world and is known for its lovely resorts, beaches, and landscapes. Historical sites attract millions of visitors annually; suffice it to say that Cyprus has a thriving tourism industry and is one of the best tourist locations in the world.

It is located in the Eastern Mediterranean and is close to other Greek islands. The education system is also world-class, which explains why many international students attend Cyprus. However, if you want to visit the island to enjoy all its wondrous pleasures, you need to obtain a visa.

Who Should Apply For A Visa?

Cyprus is a part of the EU, so EU citizens can visit without a visa. There are also a host of countries on their visa waiver list whose citizens can visit the country without having a visa. So unless you are a European Union citizen or from a visa-free country, you must apply for a visa. Citizens of New Zealand, Australia, and the US don’t need a visa to enter Cyprus either.

Visa waivers allow eligible visitors to stay in Cyprus for 90 days or less but visa holders may stay for less or longer depending on their visa type.

Types Of Cyprus Visas

The Cyprus government issues different visa types based on the duration of stay. Short-stay visas allow the holder to stay for less than 90 days and long stay visas allow the holder to stay for more than 90 days. There are also group visas for group travelers for excursions, projects, and any group-oriented activity.

Let’s briefly review them below.

Short Stay Visas

Short Stay visas are tourist visas that allow the holder to say in Cyprus for 90 days or less. Multiple entry visas expire in 180 days, but some may last for up to a year. To obtain a short visa, you must provide valid reasons as to why you qualify for the visa. Business visitors and those coming for Medical treatment may also apply for this type of visa.

Long Stay Visas

Long stay visas are issued to applicants who wish to come to Cyprus from Lebanon to work or study. These visas allow holders to stay for more than 90 days and may last for up to 5 years Long stay visas are issued by the Ministry of The Interior as recommended by the Control Board of the Cyprus Immigration Service.

Anyone issued with a long stay visa qualifies for a residency permit which allows them to live and work on the island.

How To Apply For A Visa To Cyprus From Lebanon?

There are two basic ways to apply for a valid visa. We review them below

Through The Cyprus Embassy in Beirut

This is the conventional method for applying for long stay visas like work and study visas. You will need to visit the embassy in Beirut to submit your application form and documents. The process may take 15 working days to a month as embassy officials will have to carefully review your application form and documents. You will also be invited for an interview which you must honor and bring along original copies of all your documents.

Through Online Platforms

The second application method is to use online forums like VisaHQ. This method is suited for short-stay visas like tourist and business class visas. You don’t have to visit the Cyprus embassy to submit your application; you can complete the process with your smartphone. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Visit VisaHQ

  • Choose Lebanon as your country of citizenship

  • Choose Cyprus as your destination

  • Select your preferred visa

  • Complete the application form

  • Attach all necessary documents

  • Pay the visa fee using a credit or debit card

  • Submit the application for approval

Successful applicants will have their visas forwarded to their email addresses which they must print out and bring to the Republic of Cyprus. Also note that the authorities may request additional documents.

Cyprus Visa From Lebanon Price

The visa fee you pay for the application will depend on the type of visa you up ally for. Short-term visa fees may cost up $20, but multiple-entry short-term visas cost more. For a long-term multiple entry visa, be prepared to pay up to $50 or more

Cyprus Visa Documentary Requirements

Here is a list of required documents visa applicants must submit alongside their visa application form for this Cyprus tourist visa.

  • Valid Lebanese passport with at least 3 months of validity and nothing less than 2 blank pages

  • Proof of financial means

  • Passport-sized colored photograph

  • Travel itinerary

  • Cyprus Visa fees payment

  • Proof of accommodation

  • Travel itinerary

  • Return flight ticket

Now that you know about the visa to Cyprus from Lebanon proceed to VisaHQ if you want a short-stay visa or visit the Cyprus embassy in Beirut for a long-stay version.

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    This article was published by VisaHQ, a world leader in visa processing. Since 2003, VisaHQ has 20 offices in 6 countries and has helped countless tourist, business travellers, diplomats, workers, and students obtain their visa. With a 4.41 star rating on, VisaHQ is committed to innovation, service, security, and simplicity in the visa application process.