Islas Seychelles

Encuentra la visa Islas Seychelles adecuada para tu viaje con precio, requisitos y tiempo de solicitud

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Experto en servicios de visas de Islas Seychelles desde 2003, VisaHQ es una agencia privada de visas, no afiliada con el gobierno del Islas Seychelles. VisaHQ proporciona servicios expeditivos para la visa a Islas Seychelles y cobra una tarifa de servicio. Ver cómo nos comparamos en los 90 segundos video 
  • n
    Visa de turista
    no requerido
  • n
    Visa de negocios
    no requerido
hasta undefined días

No se requiere visa para una estancia de hasta 30 días. A su llegada, los viajeros deberán presentar pruebas de transporte de ida o vuelta, alojamiento confirmado y comprobante de fondos suficientes, y se les emitirá un Permiso de Visitante válido por una estancia de hasta 30 días. La duración de la estancia se puede extender en Seychelles a través del Departamento de Inmigración en incrementos de 90 días, hasta un total de 1 año.

No se requiere visa para una estancia de hasta 30 días. A su llegada, los viajeros deberán presentar pruebas de transporte de ida o vuelta, alojamiento confirmado y comprobante de fondos suficientes, y se les emitirá un Permiso de Visitante válido por una estancia de hasta 30 días. La duración de la estancia se puede extender en Seychelles a través del Departamento de Inmigración en incrementos de 90 días, hasta un total de 1 año.

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    Lamentablemente, en este momento VisaHQ no ofrece servicio para

    hasta undefined días

    hasta undefined días

    ¡Suena bien! ¿Qué más necesito saber al planear un viaje a Islas Seychelles?
    • Primero, verifique la validez actual de su pasaporte.

    • Segundo, asegúrese que su pasaporte tenga páginas en blanco para Visas

    • Confirme si se requiere visa de tránsito para alguna de sus conexiones.

      Verifique con su aerolínea en caso de tener vuelos de conexión en el extranjero como parte de su viaje a Islas Seychelles. Puede darse el caso que al cruzar por los países rumbo a su destino, requiera de una visa de tránsito por separado. Por favor refiérase a requerimientos de trámite de visa del país en específico
    Información adicional
      • Verificar visa

      Seychelles Visa Policy

      Seychelles has a visa-free policy, thanks to its universal unilateral visa waiver. This implies that visitors from other countries do not need to apply for a visa before entering Seychelles. Instead, they need to apply for a Tourist Visa after they arrive. A free 3-month stay in the Seychelles is possible with a Visitors Permit. There is a 12-month maximum stay, however extensions are possible every three months.

      Tourists need to check off a few boxes to get their hands on a Visitor's Permit. They need to be able to prove that they have adequate finances for the length of their trip, a confirmed return or onward ticket, a confirmed place to stay (or a letter of invitation if staying with friends or family), and a valid return or onward ticket. Cash, gift certificates, and credit cards are all acceptable forms of financial resources.

      Visitors' identification is checked by security personnel at the port of entry. No prior application is required to get a Visitors Permit good for 30 days. A visitor's stay may be extended beyond the first 30 days if they meet the rules and circumstances for doing so every three months.

      One must also have at least two vacant pages in their passport and a passport that is valid for travel beyond the date of departure. A verified booking for lodging with contact information, together with adequate finances to cover the whole time of stay (about $150 per day), are also required of all visitors.

      The Seychelles has negotiated reciprocal visa exemption agreements with a number of nations in addition to its unilateral visa waiver policy. people of Brazil, for instance, are permitted to remain for a maximum of ninety days in any 180-day period, whereas Chinese people are limited to thirty days. Similar agreements permitting varied lengths of stay are in place with Cambodia, Macau, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, and European Union member nations.

      There is no need to apply in advance for a tourist visa to Seychelles since they are issued automatically upon arrival. However, visitors visiting the Seychelles on a tourist visa are not authorized to work or conduct business while in the country.

      In general, the purpose of the Seychelles Visa Policy is to make it easier for tourists to enter the country while still enforcing security measures. This will allow more people to experience the paradise that is the Seychelles.

      Who Needs a Visa and Entry Permits?

      Getting into the Republic of Seychelles does not need a visa for the vast majority of tourists. However, there are a few exemptions to this rule, thus familiarizing oneself with Seychelles' visa and entrance permission policies is essential.

      Visa Exemptions: Seychelles does not require visas for travelers from most countries. Passengers possessing valid passports from the following countries are exempt from the need of a visa to visit Seychelles and may instead get a permission at the airport. The nation's tourism business will benefit from this simplified procedure, as visitors would have an easier time entering the country.

      Exception: Kosovo Passport Holders: The Republic of Seychelles does not recognize the Republic of Kosovo, and therefore, travelers holding Kosovo passports are required to obtain a visa in advance to enter Seychelles. Travelers with a Kosovo passport will need to apply for a visa to the Seychelles in advance of their travel.

      Residence Permit for Seychelles

      If you plan on staying in the Seychelles for more than a year, you'll need to apply for a residence permit. Applicants requesting a residence permit must satisfy the following requirements:

      • Applicants must not be banned immigrants, as specified by the immigration rules of the Seychelles.
      • If you don't already have a family member or relative living in Seychelles, you won't be able to apply.
      • Applicants should provide evidence of their contributions to Seychelles' economy, culture, and society.
      • Applicants must be able to prove that they have the means to support themselves while in Seychelles.

      To obtain a residence permit, applicants are required to spend at least five

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      Preguntas frecuentes sobre la visa Islas Seychelles

          Islas Seychelles Embajada de lista en United States of America

          Islas Seychelles Aduanas

          Regulaciones de importación Regulaciones de exportación Salud y seguridad Contactar a las autoridades aduaneras
              Información de contacto de aduanas
              Para obtener más ayuda, por favor contacte directamente a las autoridades aduaneras de Islas Seychelles. Ellos le proporcionarán la información más actualizada sobre las regulaciones aduaneras y los procedimientos de importación y exportación.

              • Teléfono

              Para obtener información adicional sobre restricciones de viaje, advertencias de seguridad, actualizaciones políticas y pautas básicas de viaje, por favor contacte a la Embajada de Islas Seychelles más cercana.


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