Visa de Bhutan

Aduanas de Bhutan

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Registre su viaje con el US Department of State!
Manténgase informado.
Reciba información importante de la Embajada sobre las condiciones de seguridad en su país de destino, lo que le ayudará a tomar decisiones informadas sobre sus planes de viaje.
Mantente seguro.
Ayuda a que US Embassy pueda contactarte en caso de emergencia, ya sea por desastre natural, disturbios civiles o emergencia familiar.
Mantente en contacto.
Ayuda a que tu familia y amigos se pongan en contacto contigo en caso de emergencia.
Viaje de forma segura y registre su viaje con el US Department of State!
Protégete mientras viajas internacionalmente al hacer que VisaHQ registre tu viaje con el US Department of State y el US Embassy en tu país de destino. Registration only takes minutes and provides peace of mind while traveling abroad.
  • Ciudadanía
  • viajando a
Free imported

• 2 Cartons of Cigarettes - subject to 100 percent Customs Duty and 100 percent Sales Tax
• 2 boxes or 50 pieces subject to 100 percent Customs Duty and 100 percent Sales Tax
• 2 bottles of alcoholic spirits - each bottle not larger than one litre
• 1 bottle of perfume up to 2 ounces
• 50 grammes of Gold
• 1 kilo of Silver
• Maximum of 10 pieces of clothing whether stitched or unstitched
• Other household or personal goods including electronics and bedding shall be limited to one piece each. Video cameras and photographic equipment can also be freely imported into the country.
*Items of gifts and presents shall be included in the above free allowance.
• Most foreign currency can be imported or exported up to the equivalent of 10,000 USD.


• Illegal drugs
• Guns, explosives and ammunition
• Knives and deadly weapons
• Plant and plant products
• Meat and meat products
• Pets and animals
• Religious or rare cultural artefacts
• Hazardous materials
• Counterfeit money and goods
• Pornographic material
• Any other goods which are prohibited by any laws or international conventions or treaties to which Bhutan is a signature


• All arms and ammunition are prohibited from entering the country unless special permission has been granted from the Royal Bhutan Army.
• Plant and plant materials will require permission from the Ministry of Agriculture before being granted permission to enter the country.
• Animal and animal products will also require permission from the Ministry of Agriculture to enter the country. All cats, dogs and other pets will also need a travel health certificate clearing the creature of any potential infection or contamination.
• Wireless and remote sensing telecommunications equipment will need a permit from the Ministry of Communication.