New Zealand签证

New Zealand海关

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使用 US Department of State! 注册您的行程
帮助US Embassy在紧急情况下与您联系,无论是自然灾害、社会动荡还是家庭紧急情况。
旅行安全,并注册您的旅行 US Department of State!
通过VisaHQ在您的目的地国家/地区的US Department of State和US Embassy注册您的旅行,在国际旅行时保护自己。 注册只需要几分钟,在出国旅行时就可以放心。
  • 国籍
  • 旅行到
Free import

• Cigarettes, cigars, and tobacco allowance:
200 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco or 50 cigars or a mixture of all three weighing not more than 250 grams

• Alcoholic beverages allowances:
4.5 litres of wine or 4.5 litres of beer
three bottles (or other containers) each containing not more than 1,125ml of spirits, liqueur, or other spirituous beverages


• Weapons
• Dogs breeds are prohibited
- American Pit Bull Terrier
- Brazilian Fila
- Dogo Argentino
- Japanese Tosa

• Objectionable publications - A publication is objectionable if it describes, depicts, expresses, or otherwise deals with matters such as sex, horror, crime, cruelty, or violence in such a manner that the availability of the publication is likely to be injurious to the public good.
• Hookah pipes, water pipes and smoking utensils  


• Cash or bearer-negotiable instrument total value involved is NZ$10,000 or more (or foreign equivalent) need to be declared on a Border Cash Report upon arrival.
• Medicines that contain bear, tiger, turtle, musk, Aucklandia root, etc
• Elephant ivory – jewellery, carvings, tusks, etc
• Any whale/cetacean items, such as whalebone carvings, dolphin teeth
• Any item made from marine turtle meat or marine turtle shell
• Many big game hunting trophies
• Some orchids and cycads.