Free import
• Medicines for personal use only
• For passengers over 18 years of age:
- 20 packets of cigarettes or 5 cigars or 250 grams of shredded or threaded tobacco for smoking
- 3 litres of alcohol
• Other goods for personal consumption or gifts with a total value not exceeding USD 300 and • One item not exceeding value of USD 100
• 2 kg of not prohibited foodstuff
• Electrical items for personal use (no more than 1 per person)
• Phonographic records, magnetic tapes, compact discs or cassettes, up to a total maximum of ten (10) units
• 5 visual recording cartridges (camera or camcorder rolls/cassettes)
• Sausages, salami, ham and cheese is allowed if holding original sanitary certificate issued by the manufacturer.
• Raw ham from Italy and Portugal
• Pets
Cats and dogs must be accompanied by a veterinarian good health certificate, rabies vaccination certificate and if applicable other vaccinations issued at the point of origin.
• Passengers carrying animals are required to fill a legal form on arrival, declaring that the animal has not been fed with bovine meat, if arriving from: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Rep., Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland (Rep. of), Israel, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom (incl. Channel Isl., Isl. of Man and Northern Ireland) or the U.S.A. It is strongly recommended that appropriate and exhaustive research is done prior travelling with animals.
• Currency Import regulations
There is no restriction for brining local currency (Peruvian Nuevo Sol-PEN) or foreign currencies however amounts exceeding USD 10,000.- or equivalent in other currency must be declared.