Free import
• 200 cigarettes or
• 50 cigars or
• 100 cigarillos or
• 250 grammes of smoking tobacco
• 1 litre distilled alcoholic beverages over 22%
• 2 litres distilled alcoholic beverages under 22%
• 2 litres wine
• 50 ml perfume
• 250 ml toilet water
• Residents and non residents can both import up to EUR 10,000 in foreign currency and up to MKD 120,000 per person. Sums of foreign currency greater than 10,000 Euros being imported will need to be officially declared at the customs department.
• Residents can export up to EUR 2,000 in foreign currency and up to MKD 120,000 in local currency. Sums of foreign currency greater than EUR 2,000 will require a special certificate which will need to be declared at the customs department upon leaving the country. Residents are not allowed to take out effective foreign currencies exceeding EUR 10,000.
• Non-residents can take out from the country up to EUR 10,000 in foreign currencies and up to MKD 120,000 per person. When exiting the country, non residents exporting amounts exceeding EUR 10,000 must present the certificate indicating the total sums of cash which was taken into the country upon entry, issued by the customs authority.
• Weapons, Explosives and ammunition
• Knives and deadly weapons
• Plant and plant products – unless permission has been obtained
• Animals and animal products – unless permission has been obtained
• Counterfeit money and goods
• Pornographic material
• Residents can import up to 1kg in animal based products such as white and yellow cheese and delicatessen.
• All plant or plant products being imported into the country will require a phytosanitary certificate from the country of origin.
• Products of animal origin with a total weight exceeding 1 kg cannot be brought in Macedonia without a certificate confirming that they have been inspected by the Veterinary and Sanitary Inspectorate.
• Cats, dogs and other animals being imported into Macedonia will require a veterinarian health certificate proving the animal’s lack of infection or contamination