Free import
• 200 cigarettes or
• 25 cigars or
• 250 grammes of tobacco
• 1l of wine and 1l of spirits
• 100 grammes of perfume
• Legal gifts up to 125 USD
• There is a USD 10,000 limit on the amount of local or foreign currency that can be imported into the country. All local or foreign cash exiting Liberia that is greater than USD 7,500 must be declared at customs. Large sums of money can only be exported in the form of bank drafts or travellers cheques or other similar methods of transport.
• Illegal drugs
• Weapons, Explosives and ammunition
• Knives and deadly weapons
• Flowers, seeds and flower products – unless permission has been obtained
• Pets and other animals – unless permission has been obtained
• Meat and meat products
• Counterfeit money and goods
• Rough diamonds – can only be imported under strict international trade laws.
• Pornographic material
• Flowers, plants and seeds being imported into the country will require a valid health certificate from the country of origin before being granted admission.
• Cats and dogs will need to be accompanied by an import permit from the Ministry of • Agriculture and a veterinarian good health and rabies inoculation certificates from the country of origin.