Free import
• 200 cigarettes or
• 25 cigars or
• 100 cigarillos
• 250 grammes of tobacco
• 1 bottle of wine and 1 bottle of spirits
• 250ml of perfume
• 500ml of toilet water
• Reasonable amount of non- prohibited goods
• An unlimited amount of local currency can be imported into the country by locals and visitors alike. Other currencies likewise have an unlimited amount but will need to be declared when entering or leaving the country. Locals will be required to change all foreign currency into local money within eight days of entry.
• Locals leaving the country for another within the French Monetary Zone can export an unlimited amount of local currency but must declare up to XOF 150,000 or the equivalent in other currency if travelling outside this area. Foreign travellers can export up to XOF 10,000 or the equivalent in Euros. Amounts equal to XOF 25,000 in foreign currency can also are exported out of the country.
• Illegal drugs
• Weapons, Explosives and Ammunition
• Knives and deadly weapons
• Plants and plant materials
• Soil
• Fertilizers
• Food and food products
• Counterfeit money and goods
• Pornographic material
• No information availableCats, dogs being imported into the country will require a rabies inoculation certificate and good health certificate from the country of origin before being granted entry. An import licence will be required if importing other pets into the country.
• Video cameras and cassettes can only be imported for personal use and must be declared at the customs department upon entry into the country. A deposit for any video related goods will also have to be paid but can be returned to the traveller upon departure.
• Any books, film or other material contrary to local traditions or religious beliefs may be restricted or even prohibited from entering the country.