Free import
• 200 Cigarettes or
• 50 Cigars or
• 100 Cigarillos
• 250 Grammes of Tobacco
• 2 litres of still wine and
• 1 litre of spirits over 22% or
• 2 litres fortified wines below 22%
• 50ml Perfume
• Plant and vegetables
• Animals and food of animal origin from Haiti
• Illegal drugs
• Weapons and ammunition – unless permission has been obtained
• Knives and deadly weapons
• Electronic equipment
• Counterfeit money
• Pornographic material
• More than 5 animals (only 2 parrots and any endangered species)
• Cats and dogs less than 4 months old and dangerous dog breeds including American Staffordshire terrier or Staffordshire terrier.
• Travellers importing or exporting the equivalent of 10,000 Euros in cash or travellers checks will need to declare the total sum to the relevant customs officials before being allowed entry. All gold, except personal jewellery, over 500 grammes will need to be declared before entering or leaving the country.
• Any dogs, cats or other animals being brought into the country should be accompanied with a microchip, valid health certificate and a recent rabies vaccination.
• All firearms, explosives and ammunition are prohibited from entering the country unless the travellers have obtained either a Certificate of Possession ("autorisation de détention") or a specific Import Permit ("autorisation d’importation de matériels de guerre - armes et munitions") and can submit them to the customs department upon entry.