Visa de United Arab Emirates

Aduanas de Emiratos Árabes Unidos

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llámenos permanente


Registre su viaje con el Departamento de Estado de EE. UU.!
Manténgase informado.
Reciba información importante de la Embajada sobre las condiciones de seguridad en su país de destino, lo que le ayudará a tomar decisiones informadas sobre sus planes de viaje.
Mantente seguro.
Ayuda a que Embajada de EE. UU. pueda contactarte en caso de emergencia, ya sea por desastre natural, disturbios civiles o emergencia familiar.
Mantente en contacto.
Ayuda a que tu familia y amigos se pongan en contacto contigo en caso de emergencia.
Viaje de forma segura y registre su viaje con el Departamento de Estado de EE. UU.!
Protégete mientras viajas internacionalmente al hacer que VisaHQ registre tu viaje con el Departamento de Estado de EE. UU. y el Embajada de EE. UU. en tu país de destino. El registro solo toma unos minutos y proporciona tranquilidad mientras viajas al extranjero.
  • Ciudadanía
  • viajando a
Free import

For over 18 years old, non-commercial amount of gifts and other items for personal use of value up to AED 3,000

• 400 cigarettes
• 50 cigars
• 500g of tobacco
• 4L of alcohol (combination of spirits, wine and beer) or 2 cartons of beer (no more than 24 cans per carton, and no more than 355ml per can)


• Narcotics including psychotropic medication
• Pornography (please consider the term as used under the Islamic law)
• Any material that contradicts Islamic teachings
• Counterfeit items
• Cultural artefacts and other objects of cultural importance (authentic engravings, prints, lithographs etc.)
• Any goods from countries with no diplomatic relation with UEA
• Any goods from Israel or with Israeli branding
• Gambling related items (lottery tickets, gambling machines)
• Three layers fishing nets
• Any tyres showing usage or tempering, also inlaid tyres are not allowed
• Items, materials or substances polluted with radiation
• Homemade foodstuff


• Live animals - health certificate required along with complete and valid inoculations. Contact nearest embassy to obtain permission.
• Endangered species and any products or parts thereof as outlined by CITES maybe be brought in only with CITES permission.
• Medication (including some painkillers) - strict laws applies, please contact the nearest embassy or mission to make sure they are allowed and what quantity is allowable if you in transit to another country. For list of embassies please refer to our Contact tab.
• Currency - whether foreign or local exceeding the equivalent of AED 40,000 (including traveller’s cheque) needs to be declared. Passengers below the age of 18 cannot import more negotiable instrument than the stated limit.